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Funeral held for Genesee County Sheriff's Sergeant who died while on duty

Mourners gathered on the campus of Genesee Community College. They included a large contingent of law enforcement.

BATAVIA, N.Y. — A funeral service was held Saturday morning in Batavia for a Genesee County Sheriff's Sergeant who died while on duty last weekend.

The funeral was for 54-year-old Sergeant Thomas Sanfratello, who collapsed while struggling to remove two unwanted guests from Batavia Downs gaming early last Sunday.

An emotional Genesee County Sheriff, Bill Sheron, remembered his colleague, and his friend, a 32-year veteran of the sheriff's office.

"I would just like to thank the Sanfratello family for sharing Tom with us. As they say, although gone, he will never be forgotten," Sheron said.

Mourners gathered at Call Arena, on the campus of Genesee Community College. They included a large contingent of law enforcement.

Sanfratello was remembered both as a dedicated public servant and family man. Among those eulogizing him was his son, Ian, himself a deputy sheriff.

"For my sisters, they lost the man that would have walked them down the aisle at their weddings, the man who would have held their newborns and be told he was going to be a grandfather," Ian said. "For me, I lost my best friend, my hero, my mentor, and my favorite comedian I will ever know."

A man and a woman have been charged in connection with Sanfratello's death, the precise cause of which is still being investigated. He is survived by three children.

"In life, he guarded the roads and streets of this county. In death, he guards the heavenly gates. Rest easy, pop. Know the line is held, the job is done. Rest easy. Rest in peace," Ian said.

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