TONAWANDA, N.Y. — A portion of DeGraff Hospital is up for sale.
Kaleida Health announced it has retained a real estate firm to look at finding a new use for the 5-story hospital tower on Tremont Street.
Beginning January 1, 2020, DeGraff Memorial campus will focus on the emergency department and related services, and primary care. They recently spent $8 million renovating and upgrading the emergency department.
The Wellness Center will remain open for physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech language pathology, cardiac rehab and physician offices.
The decline in patients there over the last decade is what's behind the sale of the tower.
Kaleida says it already has interest in reusing the hospital tower for either multi-family redevelopment to senior housing and social services.
Kaleida will work with city officials on the best use for the property.