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Flood Warnings, Lakeshore Flood Watch expire for individual rivers and creeks

After heavy rainfall and snowmelt this week, water is finally beginning to drain with levels receding across Western New York.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — After heavy rainfall and significant snowmelt earlier this week caused area flooding across much of western New York, water levels are finally beginning to go down Friday night. 

The county wide, area flood warnings issued earlier this week have since been allowed to expire. Still be on the lookout for sitting water or icy spots with cold temperatures and snow now filling in for the weekend. 

Individual Flood Warnings for the Genesee River, Allegany River, Black Creek, Ellicott Creek and Tonawanda Creek are in effect until further notice. Many spots along these waterways are experience Minor to Major flooding Friday. However, many of these rivers and creeks will crest late Friday night, with water expected to recede through the weekend. 

Ice jams are still a possibility through with temperatures falling back will below freezing again. Depending on ice behavior, any release of the ice jam could result in sudden rises of water, leading to a rapid flooding situation.

But as for Saturday's forecast, strong winds will be present over the Lake Erie for the first half of the day where lakeshore flooding could be an issue.


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