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Patience might be a necessity for summer travelers

A record number of travelers are forecasted to take to the skies, highways, and byways in what could shape up to be a record travel season.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — This is shaping up to be the "summer of the getaway," as travel industry experts predict record numbers of us will be going somewhere between now and September despite high costs for food, lodging, and gas.

And, if patience is a virtue, it may also be a necessity for travelers.

"It's just exploding. It's literally exploding across the country," said TSA regional director Bart Johnson, who noted the agency recently experienced a record when it screened 2.99 million passengers across the country in a single day.

"So we're going to break three million sometime this year, possibly Thursday which is tomorrow," Johnson said.

Airports won't be the only place crowded with travelers.

"While airports are going to be busy the majority will be driving," predicted Elizabeth Carey of the AAA of Western and Central New York. More than 60 million will be taking road trips."

The common thread among travelers - by whatever means-- will be increased costs.

However, despite the inflation that has occurred in the last 3 and half years, which has significantly driven up costs for virtually all aspects of travel, Carey says consumers seem undaunted.

"People just want to get out there and take these bucket list trips. They're willing to spend the money on these "YOLO" (You Only Live Once) type of trips. That's what they are literally saying to us...that if they have the money they want to see the world, experience life, and culture, and to be with their families," said Carey. "And even families on a budget might decide we're gonna  gonna skip the fast food, we'll pack a lunch, and maybe when we get there we'll cook in one night rather than going out to restaurants every night."

The advice the TSA has traditionally about arriving early might be more prudent than ever, with record numbers of travelers expected.

"If you have a 5:30 flight you should be at the airport at 3:30," said Johnson.

Carey advises that anyone with plans for a road trip should make sure their vehicle is in good working condition before venturing out.

"Check the car over in advance before you take any type of a road trip. A lot of the trouble that we see on the side of the road can be prevented," she said.


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