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Erie County offers rain barrels and compost bins

Erie County offers rain barrels and compost bins for residents
Credit: Bianca - stock.adobe.com

BUFFALO, N.Y. — Erie County and the Western New York Stormwater Coalition is offering rain barrels and compost bings to residents to help conserve water and reduce fertilizer use. 

Residents who live in Town of Tonawanda, City of Tonawanda, North Tonawanda, Kenmore, Grand Island or Riverside, 50% off the price of rain barrels and compost bins. The discount is a subsidy for targeted areas funded by the Tonawanda Community Environmental Benefits Program.

If you don't live in one of the municipalities that received the subsidy, the rain barrels and compost bins are still cheaper than the 2022 prices.

Rain barrels are used to help reduce stomwater runoff, that can cause pollutants in our local water systems. The rainwater collected in the rain barrels can be used to water plants and lawns and conserve water. 

Composting helps return nutrients to the soil, stimulates plant growth and reduces the need for chemical fertilizers. 

For more information on purchasing, visit: www.erie.compostersale.com

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