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1984 U.S. Olympian volunteering at the Paris games

Craig Gilbert is leaving for Paris on Wednesday to volunteer at Team U.S.A. House.

FORT ERIE, ON — We are now just ten days away from the Paris Olympics, and today we're celebrating a Western New York native who made it to the 1984 games in Los Angeles.

Craig Gilbert played Team Handball in the 1984 games, and it's a sport he didn't pick up until he was enrolled at West Point.

"It's a sport that is similar to hockey, basketball, and it's water polo without any water," said Craig Gilbert.

And as soon as Craig Gilbert tried Team Handball, he was hooked. The Williamsville North grad started playing at West Point after a shoulder injury sidelined him from football and basketball.

"I tried out for the team, I made it, and things went pretty quickly after that," Craig Gilbert said.

By 1984, Gilbert had made it to the Olympics. It meant he was on his way to Los Angeles. His most vivid memories outside of competition involve time spent in the dorms.

"The swimmers, and especially the divers, used to come up to our room to actually watch the swimming events because we were on like the sixth floor, and you could see, and it was perfect. So, like, Greg Louganis and others were there," said Craig Gilbert.

He says the men's basketball team was on the floor above them.

"I do remember Michael Jordan, Patrick Ewing, you had amazing athletes were there, and they were coached by Bobby Knight. So Bobby Knight is legendary, and I remember that Wayman Tisdale was break dancing on the floor, and Bobby Knight comes walking by, and he's like roar, and all these guys just pop up, and they all like get to the side, so it was really, really kind of funny and interesting," said Craig Gilbert.

And on Wednesday, Gilbert leaves for Paris to experience the games for the first time as a volunteer at Team USA House.

"The USA House is kind of a safe place for Olympians and Paralympians to actually, you know, go if they have the time, so I am sure there are going to be a number of current athletes are going to be there, and in fact, there is on the second floor, it's a restricted area, and that's where it's going to be, like, a viewing center for the current athletes to be working and visiting with family and friends," said Craig Gilbert.

Tourists can also go to Team USA House, but tickets aren't cheap. They'll cost you about $350 plus tax, but you do get to hang out with guest hosts that include Olympians from past games.

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