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Canisius High School bowler celebrates perfect game

Senior Matthew Hassenfratz bowled a perfect 300 during an inter-squad match to qualify for state championships.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — Senior Matthew Hassenfratz is the voice of the Canisius High School morning announcements, starting every morning with his signature "Good morning, Canisius!" 

It's just one of the many ways he contributes to his school. 

"I also participate on the club varsity hockey team, I play tennis in the spring, I was a member of the robotics team earlier in my career at Canisius High School, and I also am a part of the drama guild here," he told 2 On Your Side. 

But above anything else, Matthew is a bowler.  

"Bowling is my best sport, I love bowling," he said. "I've loved bowling since I was three years old. It's always been one of my favorite pastimes. I'd say about half of my college essays are always about bowling." 

Last week, the 17-year-old did something he's been chasing since he was a little guy. He bowled a perfect 300 game. 

"Our entire team has always been very close, like 279's which is just one frame away, but I was the first one to actually crack the 300 game, and just the excitement on my entire team's face just shows the love and support that they show every single match that they have," he said. 

It was during an inter-squad match to qualify for the state championships, and everyone was rooting for him. 

"It was almost surreal, I hear my teammates on the bench, oh my god I'm so nervous for him, I'm like thanks, that's really helpful," he said. "I kind of just took a breath before every single shot and once I got close, you know, eight, nine, ten, 11, I'm kind of just like this is actually possible. I actually have a chance here."   

The next morning, Matthew got his own surprise announcement over the loudspeaker from Dean Peter Reiser. 

"Matthew Hassenfratz, yes the same Hassenfratz who graces us with his voice and his announcements and our pledge of allegiance each morning," Reiser said in part, "threw the second 300, that's a perfect game, in school history, and the first of his career." 

"That's part of the excitement for me, is that I'm now kind of a part of this school's history," Matthew said. "My bowling coach really wants to put his guys into the school history books." 

Matthew could hear some cheers coming from down the hall. 

"Sometimes there's like a little bit of joking about the bowling team around the halls," he continued. "You know, bowling doesn't get as much support as you know some of the more mainstream football, basketball sports, but this was one achievement that they could like appreciate."

This weekend, the Canisius bowling team will defend its All-Catholic Championship title and go for three in a row. 

Matthew plans to study biomedical or chemical engineering next year in college and bowl many more perfect games in the future. 

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