SANBORN, N.Y. — SUNY Niagara earned a $50,000 grant from the Lumina Foundation on Wednesday.
The college's social media team participated in the foundation's first ever 'Instagram Challenge' where they had to submit a 90-second Instagram reel to show off the college's 'excellence'. Lumina then judged reels from community colleges across the country.
SUNY Niagara is one of seven colleges nationwide to earn a grant from the competition. It's also the only NYS college to win.
“The grant funding from Lumina will provide opportunities to grow SUNY Niagara’s reimagined brand through creative and innovative marketing strategies,” said public relations assistant Zach Rohde. “We look forward to continually amplifying what makes SUNY Niagara such a special part of this community.”
The public relations assistants at SUNY Niagara Marlee McCabe and Rohde created their reel to showcase #WhatsExcellence about the college and also share all the opportunities and experiences available to students on campus.
“For the past two years, Lumina has engaged in a national conversation about understanding and strengthening community college brands,” said Lumina’s strategy officer for participation Mary Laphen Pope. “While discussions often focus on challenges such as enrollment declines, success stories about community colleges and their students are rarely highlighted. We aim to change that.”
Lumina Foundation intended this grant to be used for the college's marketing and digital outreach. To learn more about the challenge or see a full list of all the winners, you can visit the link here.
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