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Gia Arnold back in the race for NYS Senate

A republican candidate who dropped out of the race for the 62nd district NYS senate seat is back in the race again.
Robert Ortt

ID=13997015BUFFALO, NY-- A Republican candidate who dropped out of the race for the New York State Senate 62nd district seat is back in the race again.

Gia Arnold sent out an email on Friday stating that due to the support she received, she was back in the race.

Arnold issued a statement nine days ago dropping out of the race due to an extra marital affair.

She is challenging Republican Robert Ortt, who is currently Mayor of North Tonawanda for the Senate seat.

Here is Arnold's full statement:

My Friends:

It has been over a week since I announced I would step-back from my senate campaign, as a result of some personal issues at home with my former husband, and the fact that I participated in an affair.

I was hurt, upset, angry, and thinking more of my current situation, rather than the big picture.

To say that I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and well wishes, would be an understatement. When I made my announcement last week, I never fathomed the hundreds of texts, calls and emails that I received, almost all of which called for me to stay in this race and fight what truth, honesty and what is right for our senate district. For me, telling the truth and being honest with my supporters and the citizens is the most important aspect of running for and representing the people, even if it means losing some support and not helping myself.

We do need someone in Albany who will represent us all, in making things better, and telling the truth about all aspects of that public service. I have realized, after much thought and prayer, that I am still that candidate, despite my shortcomings, and it has been pointed out to me by the hundreds and hundreds of messages I have received.

I did not consider re-entering this primary and election, but with the support that has been shown, and the urging of so many I have met during this long campaign, I have decided to continue this effort on behalf of what is right, and continue to fight for tax-relief, restoration of our rights as citizens, reduction of electric and gas bills, and a true and honest voice in Albany.

To those who cannot support me in this campaign because of what I have done, I say I understand. I know that honesty and personal choices are very important, and for this mistake, to some, there is no forgiveness. But, if nothing else, please vote your conscience in what will best serve our district!

I do not know what the future will bring, but I do know what I stand for and what we can accomplish together! We need Tax-relief, true representation, lower costs for electric and gas and job opportunities for all our residents.

I am again, asking for your consideration...

Thank you!

Gia Arnold/Candidate for the NYS 62nd Senatorial District

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