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NY State Police urging motorists no unnecessary travel during the storm

New York State Police are urging drivers to avoid any unnecessary travel during this week's winter storm.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — New York State Police are urging drivers to avoid any unnecessary travel during this week's winter storm.

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Troopers will be out during the storm to help drivers that might need assistance.

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Snow and high winds could reduce visibility and cause roadways to become snow-covered.  If you must travel, troopers remind you to give yourself extra time to get to your destination.

RELATED: How to remove snow and ice from your car without damaging its paint

Here are some tips from the state police:

  • Get the latest weather forecast and road conditions before leaving via your local weather apps, radio or TV stations.
  • Always clean your windows and mirrors FULLY of any snow and ice before driving.  
  • Keep a full tank of gas
  • Make sure fluid levels are topped off (windshield washer fluid, anti-freeze)
  • Make sure your spare tire is in working condition, and you have a jack and lug wrench
  • Use headlights at all times to increase your visibility to others.  Remember, if your windshield wipers are in use due to weather, then your headlights must be on.
  • Drive prudently.  If the conditions are adverse, you should decrease your speed accordingly.
  • Brake early
  • Do NOT use cruise control.  This decreases your reaction time to apply braking.
  • Look out for events farther down the road.  Creating more time to react can make a difference.
  • Be aware of maintenance vehicles and emergency vehicles.  Give them room to work.
  • Stock your trunk to help you to be safe in case you are stopped or stranded in an area without assistance readily available:  
  • Gloves, blankets, warmers, tool kit, first-aid kit, non-perishable foods, water, working flashlight and batteries, cell phone charger, etc.
  • Shovel, ice scraper, de-icer, snow brush, rock salt or cat litter, tow chain or cable, jumper cables or battery charger, etc.
  • If you drive off the roadway and are stuck in a snow bank or ditch, stay in your vehicle and call 911.  DO NOT exit your vehicle unless it is an absolute emergency.  You put yourself at risk of being struck by another vehicle.
  • Roll your windows down a few inches or turn your vehicle off if you are stranded in snow for a period of time with your vehicle running. Covered mufflers can cause serious physical injury or death due to inhalation of carbon monoxide.
  • If you should become stranded on the Thruway or any roadway, know your location by being aware of your direction and mile post marker.  This will help emergency personnel reach your location as quickly as possible. 


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