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Baby born in car as family drives into hospital parking lot

Brianna and Keith Allen were awaiting the arrival of their second child when Brianna started to feel mild contractions early Sunday.

AMHERST, N.Y. — A Western New York couple had a special and eventful delivery on Father's Day before they even made it inside the hospital.

Brianna Allen and Keith Feaster were awaiting the arrival of their second child when Brianna started to feel mild contractions around 5 a.m. on Sunday.

Brianna had previously had a false alarm, so they wanted to be sure the baby was really coming before heading to the hospital.

The couple and Brianna's mother, who was visiting from Phoenix to help out when the baby was born, used a contraction timer app to help keep track of contractions. After an hour, contractions started to become more intense for Brianna and the app told them it was time to get ready. 

However, hospital officials say they ignored the app at first until Brianna's contractions became more uncomfortable. But before they left for the hospital, Brianna wanted to take a shower, thinking they had plenty of time as she labored with her first child for 22 hours. 

"The contractions started to get a little bit more intense. So I'm like, I think it's time, Mom," said Brianna Allen.

After the shower and packing Brianna's bag, they dropped their son off and headed to Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital. 

Brianna's mother Crystal, who was in the car with them, had FaceTimed Brianna's sister in the car to keep her calm while Keith drove to the hospital.

"By the time we got to Transit, everything started picking up. My mom is in the back seat. She's on the phone with my sister, my sister is telling me to breathe, so I'm breathing," said Brianna Allen.

On the way to the hospital, Brianna's contractions became severe and she didn't think they would make it to the hospital. 

"Got the green light to go every time, so I'm like, okay, this is pretty cool. I'm just going past all the cars," said Keith Feaster.

Keith called 911 and told them that his wife was in labor and that they were close to the hospital. Brianna said she could feel the head of the baby and then her water broke and she started to push.

"I push again. At this point, his head is halfway out, so I'm like his head is right there, his head is right there. My husband is literally pulling up my dress to see at the same time he's driving, at the same time he's trying to make sure no cars are coming, so he's multitasking. Then my mom ended up having to get off the phone with my sister, and she ends up like coming between the console, and she's literally like seeing, and she's like, Keith, his head is out, his head is out, we might have to pull over. His head is out," said Brianna Allen.

"She's holding to the ceiling of the car, the roof of the car, and screaming, I'm like, oh man, this really hurts, well, I can't feel it, so I'm just trying to sympathize as much as I can," said Keith Feaster.

With mom Crystal in the front seat now, holding the baby's head, the baby made his entry into the world in mom and dad's car just as they were turning into the hospital's parking lot. 

"By the time we turned to go out the driveway to go up to he Emergency Room, I did one last push and now he's in my hands," said Brianna Allen. "My mom actually caught him like a football."

"We're at the hospital, but we didn't make it in the hospital, so the baby is curbside delivery, like a Door Dash," said Keith Feaster.

Emergency room staff, doctors and nurses rushed over to help the family finish the delivery and dad Keith was able to cut the umbilical cord. 

Kai was officially born at 7:40am weighing 9lbs. and 4oz. Both Brianna and Kai are expected to go home sometime Tuesday. 

"I wouldn't trade this for anything in the world. It was a great Father's Day, and I really loved it," said Keith Feaster.

Credit: Provided by Kaleida Health
Brianna and Keith Allen with baby Kai
Credit: Provided by Kaleida Health
Hospital staff assist Brianna Allen after she gave birth in the car on the way to the hospital
Credit: Provided by Kaleida Health
Kai Allen made his way into this world before his parents even made it into the hospital.

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