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Taste of Siam to close in March

Taste of Siam restaurant on Elmwood Avenue in Buffalo will close on March 25 after a decade at the current location.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — Taste of Siam on Elmwood Avenue in Buffalo will officially close on March 25.

The last day for dining in is March 4. Take-out only will be available March 7-25.

Owner Mimi Sysomboune Robinson said they have been at the 810 Elmwood Avenue location for 10 years.

The family-owned business has been serving Thai cuisine for lunch, dinner, and special occasions in Buffalo for over two decades.

When asked if they are closing, Robinson said "it's been it's been rough, with inflation and everything, the rise of rent, the rise of food costs,"  but she noted the time has come to longer rent a building for the restaurant.

"I mean the restaurant I love, it has like this charm to it. It used to be an old house and several other businesses.  "It's an older building, it needs a lot of updates," she said.

When it rains,  water leaks inside, and buckets have to be placed in the main dining area, and they are unable to seat customers in a section of the restaurant. "It's not very eye-appealing."

Robinson said it was unfortunate that they are leaving. Often renters encounter landlords who sell buildings and a new landlord doesn't follow through on promises to make changes.

The plan after the restaurant closes is to hopefully open a new restaurant in the future.  "We would like to own our building instead of renting," Robinson said. The ideal location would be in the city of Buffalo.

"There's no definite date. I don't want customers to feel like we're going to open in six months. We don't have a date yet."  She said customers can keep up to date by following their social media pages.

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