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Shelves almost empty at Niagara Falls Salvation Army

Donations of food and toiletries are needed.

NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. — Today for our Most Buffalo Story of the Day we are sharing how you can help people in need right in our own community.

The Salvation Army of Niagara Falls put out a call last week saying donations are desperately needed, so 2 On Your Side visited with them on Tuesday to talk about how you can help. 

"We're getting really very short in food," said Major Andrew Murray with the Salvation Army of Niagara Falls.

In the three years, Major Andrew Murray has been at the Salvation Army in Niagara Falls, this is the worst he's seen it.

"If we don't get any more food in at all, I would guess by the end of next week, we have no food to give away, and for me that's heartbreaking," said Major Andrew Murray.

This food pantry serves about three hundred families every month.

"We help them with essentially just under a week of food for the family," said Major Andrew Murray.

Families can pick out what they want - things they know how to make and actually like to eat.

"For people who are food insecure, for people who are struggling to get by, pay their bills, pay their mortgage, all those kinds of things, food almost becomes an option. The ability to buy food becomes a luxury. And so, the necessity of a food pantry, of a place where they can go, where without judgment they can get help and just to help them over this particular time," said Major Andrew Murray.

Murray says a lot of times by the end of summer, the shelves start clearing out because people just aren't thinking about donating.

"It's a little bit frightening right now, but we also know how good people are. One of the things that my experience is, is that people want to help other people, but they don't always know how," said Major Andrew Murray.

So if you want to help, it's as simple as dropping off food or money.

"In some ways, it's actually more cost-effective for us to receive a donation, and that's because we can buy in bulk," said Major Andrew Murray.

And he says some things are more helpful than others.

"Boxed macaroni and cheese takes milk and butter, and if you're food insecure, you might not be able to afford milk and butter. In which case, a box of macaroni and cheese might not be helpful. Another thing that actually we need all the time for the food pantry are can openers. We get canned goods, and if somebody doesn't have a can opener, they have no way to open the can," said Major Andrew Murray.

Canned meats, tuna, pasta, sauces, and vegetables, and food with pop-top cans go over well. They also need toiletries.

"Maybe toothpaste is something that you can't afford to buy right now because you've got to buy a protein, and so, that's the reality of the situation of many of our neighbors. If you have children in school, I promise you that there are other children in the class who are in this situation," said Major Andrew Murray.

To help make it more comfortable for people to get help, the Salvation Army does community barbecues and hundreds of people show up. It all just shows how big of a need there is in our community.

"We're okay for today, we're okay for this week, but there are a lot of empty shelves that are normally full," said Major Andrew Murray.

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