EAST AURORA, N.Y. — The 46th annual Roycroft Artisan Summer Arts & Crafts Festival is returning to the Village of East Aurora this month.
For the fourth year in a row, the arts and crafts festival will be held at the Classic Rink on Riley Street. The festival runs from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, June 25 and Sunday, June 26, featuring a variety of fine art made by Roycroft artisans. Admission to the festival is $5 for adults.
According to event organizers, the artisans and craftspeople featured in the summer festival work in a variety of mediums ranging from wood and metal to fiber, clay, glass, printmaking and book arts, photography and painting. This year's festival will feature new emerging artists as well as live painting demonstrations.
If you're looking to grab a bite to eat, the festival will have food trucks from Just Pizza, Red's Hot Dogs and Charlie's Sugar Waffles.
Like years past, festival goers will have the chance to buy a ticket for the 2022-23 Roycrofters-At Large Association (RALA) goodie box raffle. The box is valued at more than $5,000 and contains items created by Roycroft Artisans and Master Artisans. Raffle tickets will be sold on both days of the festival and at the RALA Schoolhouse Gallery on Olean Road. The drawing will be held on Feb. 19, 2023.