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American Red Cross sees blood donations plummet nationwide, in WNY

The organization has seen a 25% decrease in blood donations both locally and nationwide since July 1.

LOCKPORT, N.Y. — When it comes to donating blood, short-term sacrifices can often get in the way. 

Whether that’s a fear of needles or not wanting to take time on a summer day, the American Red Cross says it’s easy this time of year to let those concerns get in the way of the important service.

But this year more than ever, that’s becoming a concerning issue.

Earlier this month, the American Red Cross declared an emergency blood shortage after a 25% decrease in donations across the country and here in Western New York since July 1. Locally, they’re currently short 1,000 units of blood.

“If we don't get the blood, we can't save lives,” said Heather Hunt, a phlebotomist in Lockport.

2 On Your Side spent Tuesday afternoon at a blood drive in Lockport with Red Cross staff. While upwards of 80 people signed up to donate Tuesday, Nick Bond, the CEO of the Western New York Region of the Red Cross, said that hasn’t been the case as of late. He said even though they’re used to seeing drop-offs in the summer, this year’s has been among the worst. 

“I think as we've come out of COVID, the traveling has just started to increase more and more each and every year, and I think this last July, we saw a good number of drives dip,” he said.

Nationally, heat waves have impacted nearly 100 blood drives causing them to cancel. Only one of those was in Western New York, but the increase in travel and other summer activities by residents is causing donations to not be top of mind. 

But the shortage is now causing Bond and his team to worry about the future. He said if they don’t start getting more donations soon, they may not have enough blood to supply hospitals locally.

“You can't just stockpile blood,” he said. “Some blood products last days, and then some blood products last up to three weeks.”

The American Red Cross is offering incentives to those who donate, including free snacks and a $20 Amazon gift card. 

They’re hoping that will convince some to sacrifice an hour outside on a beautiful summer day to save a life down the line. 

You can find a blood drive near you here

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