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Partial $300 federal unemployment payments draw more questions

Dozens of 2 On Your Side viewers contacted us Wednesday after only receiving part of the $300 weekly federal benefit.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — A lot of you are still contacting us about problems you're having with your unemployment benefits.

And a lot of the questions are about the extra $300 in weekly federal benefits.

2 On Your Side's Kelly Dudzik has been following this story, and she got answers Wednesday about what's going on with the payments.

Hundreds of people have emailed 2 On Your Side this week with questions about their extra $300. Some of those payments were delayed, and they're being deposited as promised, but now there's a new problem.

Some people aren't getting the whole $300.

Shawn O. says, "My extra $300 was delayed a day, but when I checked today, I only received half of it. Is the other half being delayed too? Anyone else having this problem?"

When dozens of 2 On Your Side viewers emailed us asking why they hadn't received their weekly $300 benefit, we got answers from the NYSDOL. BUFFALO, N.Y. - Dozens of 2 On Your Side viewers contacted us Monday morning when they noticed their unemployment benefits did not include the extra weekly $300 payment from the federal government.

Yes, a lot of people are having this problem. But the amount they're getting varies. Dozens of people emailed 2 On Your Side on Wednesday, like Bert V., who says, "They issued my $300 today (a day late), but I only got half. It says $300, but then the net paid is $150. My regular benefit was the full amount. Any idea as to why?"

And Rick A. emailed saying, "I only received $186.50 of the $300, which is weird. Do you have any idea what happened or why is that?"

We went to the New York State Department of Labor to get some answers for everyone. A spokesperson told us while it's "impossible to comment on an individual claimant's unique claim," she says, "the $300 was deployed as anticipated."

She was also checking to see if the state's Unemployment Insurance team could get us more information, but we didn't hear back after that.

If you have a specific question about your benefits, something that has worked for a lot of Western New Yorkers since last March is calling their state senator and assemblymember. They can get your contact information to the New York State Department of Labor so you get a call back.

We will continue getting answers for you. If you have a question about unemployment, you can email 2 On Your Side's Kelly Dudzik.


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