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Buffalo's pink bus helping women get mammograms and one of the women behind it

For Kathy Crocker, helping people is a passion. Through the mobile mammography bus, she gets to do that.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — You may have seen a big pink bus rolling around town. The reason is to make sure people, especially women, get mammograms.

"Because it is pink, it's noticeable. it's very noticeable," said Kathie Crocker, patient ambassador with 'Engaging Patients in Breast Health through mobile mammography' which is part of the Patient Voices Network. "I've had people ask 'What is this thing? Why are you here? What are you doing?' Then when they find out what it is, they ask 'Can I get my mammogram on there?'"

Crocker says her group is full of " empowered and educated people" who want to get the best healthcare for themselves and their fellow community members.

She spends a lot of time each month making calls, alerting people when they're due for a mammogram.

Her sister is a two-time breast cancer survivor.

"The second time it's like that eye-roll thing, not again," Crocker said. It forced Crocker to start getting mammograms at an earlier age. Now she is helping women.

"Many of the mammogram places... are in the suburbs. Women on east side and west side don't have access to [them]. Helping people is my passion, I mean if I can help just one person I feel I have accomplished something," Crocker said.

The mobile mammography bus can be found at these following places at least once a month:

Jericho Road Community Center

Urban Family Practice

UBMD Int. Medicine & Pediatrics

ECMC Family Health Center

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