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One step at a time, local man's journey with cerebral palsy

October 6 is World CP Day. It's a global movement that brings together people living with cerebral palsy and their families, supporters and organizations.

CHEEKTOWAGA, N.Y. — October 6 is World CP Day. It's a global movement that brings together people living with cerebral palsy and their families, supporters and organizations. Here in Western New York, there's a clinic that now specializes in CP care.

Many people know about medical conditions like cancer, diabetes, and heart diseases, but some may not know about the most-common motor disability in children. It's called cerebral palsy, which is commonly known as CP.

CP is known as the quote "forgotten disability." It's a group of disorders that affect a person's ability to move, maintain balance, and their posture.

Jeff Petrocy was diagnosed with CP at an early age. He recently started attending a new clinic in Cheektowaga, First Step Physical Therapy. He said his balance, agility and strength has improved so much since.

"That's what they do they sit you down and they say there is no cure for cerebral palsy. We are not going to cure you but we are going to make your life a heck of a lot easier. Even now I fall occasionally, I don't as much, but my grandkids will be like, 'Are you ok?' It's like don't worry, papa fell, as long as you keep getting up, I tell them, that is all that matters," Petrocy, a cerebral palsy warrior said.

At the clinic, Petrocy performs different exercises that make it easier for him to walk and help him build up the strength to stand up in case he loses his balance and falls.

On October 20, Make LemonAide will host a fundraiser to help people in WNY who have CP. It will be at Resurgence on Chicago Street in Buffalo. Tickets are on sale for $35 and it will be from 5-9p.m. All the money here will support people like Petrocy, by giving them grants to get the treatments that they need.

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