NORTH TONAWANDA, N.Y. — At tonight's North Tonawanda common council meeting, there's a hero amongst the bunch, John LaScala.
"Anyone who knows him would say how loving, and kind, and generous he is," said his wife.
Those traits, not only echoed by his wife, but recognized by the the city of North Tonawanda, with the proclamation to prove it
"Mr. Lascala undoubtedly played a role in the life saving efforts of Mr. Craig Kennedy," said Mayor Austin Tylec, as he presented a proclamation to LaScala.
Lascala and Kennedy remembering the harrowing moments, that led to life-saving CPR on Kennedy who at the time, was a complete stranger.
"Hottest day of the summer, 95 degrees," Kennedy said, remembering the climate that day.
The conditions on that course that day, sending Craig into cardiac arrest. His fall, catching the eye of John's son.
They immediately sprung into action, driving their golf carts over to Craig. That's when LaScala immediately began performing CPR.
"So I did it, I kept my own count, and when they finally got there, the EMT's, they guys once he got the defibrillator on him, I had to keep doing compressions until he cut the shirt and l that and he got the defibrillator on him and he looked at me and said 'good job' and I was like oh so it worked," LaScala said.
John's choice on the green that day, not only impacting craig...
"My husband and I were able to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary this year, thanks to this man," said Kennedy's wife.