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North Collins community mourns loss of historic tree

An investigation is underway to determine who cut down the 100-year-old elm tree.

NORTH COLLINS, N.Y. — For almost 100 years, Dolly Stefan’s family has lived on a 100-acre farm in North Collins. At the center of their farm, sat an elm tree, nicknamed “the Lion King Tree” by the community. 

The tree became a popular destination for locals and travelers that admired its grand beauty.

But this past weekend, that was all stripped away.

Stefan says she and her husband were away at a wedding when a neighbor called and told them the news. The tree that had been standing for generations was now nothing more than a stub. 

“It was just devastating to see,” she said. “It clearly was cut on purpose, which is sad that someone could be so cruel. They didn't just hurt us if that was their intention. They hurt so much more and so many more people.”

Brian Schmitt has lived next door to Stefan his whole life. Like others in the community, he would drive past the field just to get a glimpse of the tree’s former beauty and photograph it.

“It's more than just a tree. It's an icon. It's a landmark to the area,” he said. “It's something that you really can't put a value on. It can't be replaced, plain and simple. And the community is all, in their own ways, brokenhearted.”

An investigation has been launched by the North Collins Police Department, but the culprit and motive still remain unknown.

The community is left without answers but is still trying to hold on to a piece of their favorite neighbor. 

“We don't grow trees. We grow crops, but this tree is what defines our farm in so many ways,” Stefan said. “We're going to do our best to put something else here — maybe get another elm tree. But we will never be able to replace this tree.”

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