BUFFALO, N.Y. — The findings from the December 2022 blizzard assessment report completed by New York University’s Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service were released publicly on Friday.
The study examined the response to the blizzard, where the city of Buffalo was the epicenter, and which struck just before Christmas.
The storm claimed nearly 50 lives in Western New York.
The 175 page report called “Lessons Learned from the Buffalo Blizzard” offers suggestions as to what steps can be taken to better manage serious winter storms.
More than 50 inches of snow fell during the course of the blizzard, which was accompanied at times by hurricane force winds.
Following the storm, the city engaged in the purchase of more snow fighting equipment, and the creation of new positions such as a Fleet Manager and an Emergency Operations Manager.
The mayor has also created a Storm Response Taskforce, with representatives from state and local governments, of local force will include city, county, and state government representatives, National Grid, local businesses and neighborhood associations.