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Broderick Park could soon receive a name change

The family of Michael Broderick who the park was originally named after supports this change as they believe it will better reflect the history of the park.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — The Buffalo Common Council on Tuesday will be reviewing the motion to change 'Broderick Parks' name to 'Freedom Park'. 

A group called Friends of Broderick Park have begun a petition to change the name to Freedom Park. The group is made up of volunteers who are the stewards of Broderick Park. 

The park is part of the Underground Railroad where Black men and women would cross from Broderick Park to freedom in Canada. 

The discussion on making the change will happen today during the Common Council meeting that is open to the public to attend at 2pm at City Hall. 

The family of Michael Broderick who the park was originally named after supports this change as they believe it will better reflect the history of the park, and its significance to the underground railroad. 

"It was named Broderick Park after a gentleman named Broderick who founded or was involved with the rowing club. Certainly, we want to listen to the community to get their input. We respect and know it's sacred ground. People come from all over the country to tour and go down to the river's edge to memorialize and remember what it was like for the slaves to cross over to the other side and in many cases, many of the slaves never made it to the other side," Niagara District Councilman David A. Rivera said. 

We are getting closer on the name change to Freedom Park as seen in today's Challenger. If you can, come to the meeting on September 26th at 2pm at City Hall to show your support!

Posted by Friends Of Broderick Park on Thursday, September 21, 2023

RELATED: Buffalo Common Council to hold public meetings on re-naming Broderick Park

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