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Niagara SPCA hoping to rescue a kitten in a storm drain

On Thursday night the Niagara SPCA shared that they are hoping to rescue a kitten that fell down a storm drain in Niagara Falls.
Credit: Niagara SPCA

NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. — The Niagara SPCA jumped into action Thursday night after a kitten was reported to have fallen down a storm drain in Niagara Falls. 

In a post made to their social media on Thursday night they wrote:

"Happening now- SPCA Agents are called to assist Niagara Falls Police, Fire and Water Departments after a kitten fell down a storm grate. Pedestrians called NFPD after hearing the scared feline's cries. Unable to get out, the kitten traveled from one side of the road to the other trying to find an escape route, evading those on scene trying to help them. An employee from the water department is pictured, placing a trap, set by SPCA Agents to capture the kitten. The trap will be monitored throughout the evening hours. We'll keep you posted on the rescue."

The Niagara SPCA provided an update on Saturday afternoon:

Trapping is in progress for the storm drain kitten. Please do not interfere! Spca agents and water board employees are checking the trap several times per day and switching out bait. The kitten tripped a sensitive trap last night and we switched out traps. The water board removed debris from the trap this morning.

Feeding this kitten is the 𝗕𝗘𝗦𝗧 way to ensure we don't catch the kitten. If fed, he/she will not be hungry and thus will not go into the trap. The kitten appears feral. "Here kitty, kitty" will not lure him out.

We have not posted an update because there is no update other than we are still trapping.

No one has given up trying to rescue the kitten. Please stop.

Happening now- SPCA Agents are called to assist Niagara Falls Police, Fire and Water Departments after a kitten fell...

Posted by Niagara SPCA on Thursday, August 29, 2024

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