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Kenmore Olympian synchronized swimming results

Kenmore native Anita Alvarez continues her quest for a gold medal today in Rio.

RIO DE JANEIRO - Kenmore native Anita Alvarez continued her quest for a gold medal today in Rio.

She and the USA’s Mariya Koroleva finished the free routine preliminary with 86.4333 points and are in ninth place heading into Monday’s duet technical routine.

Natalia Ishchenko and Svetlana Romashina, the 2012 Olympic champions from Russia in the synchronized swimming duet, hold a significant lead after Sunday’s preliminary free routine, according to Rachel Lutz from NBC Olympics (more coverage of Sunday's preliminary free routines: http://www.nbcolympics.com/news/russia-holds-2-point-lead-over-synchronized-swimming-duets-usa-9th?chrcontext=WGRZ).

Alvarez began her swimming career with the Tonawanda Aquettes and swam with the program until she made her first national team at age 16.

Daybreak's Pete Gallivan caught up with the pair back in May as they performed for Alvarez's hometown crowd.

Among her many accomplishments in the pool are a third place finish at the 2016 German Open Duet and a third place finish at the French Open Duet.

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