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Horse rescue in Orchard Park

The Orchard Park Police really don't horse around when it comes to keeping the community safe, that even goes for wandering horses.
Credit: Orchard Park Police

ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. — The Orchard Park Police don't horse around when it comes their jobs but on Wednesday morning they made an exception for a local horse that got out and needed an escort home. 

You know what they say-- You can lead a horse to water or in this case lead them back home.  

In a social media post the department wrote "Shout out to Officers Tornabene and Raisor for finding this horse and walking him back home this morning! This big guy got loose on Freeman Road near Jewett Holmwood Road."

View the full social media post attached below for more. 

Shout out to Officers Tornabene and Raisor for finding this horse and walking him back home this morning! This big guy got loose on Freeman Road near Jewett Holmwood Road.

Posted by Town of Orchard Park Police Department on Wednesday, July 3, 2024

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