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Holiday safety reminders

People going out to celebrate the holidays are encouraged to download the 'Have a Plan' app which determines safe routes home.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — The NYS DMV and State Police are offering people tips this holiday season for ways to stay safe both while traveling and shopping. 

“It is a wonderful time of the year, and a time to make safe travel plans especially if you’re out celebrating,” said Mark J.F. Schroeder, DMV Commissioner and Governor's Traffic Safety Committee (GTSC) Chair. “Make a plan to either stay or have a safe ride home if you are impaired. If you’re bringing home a Christmas tree, make sure it is properly secured and does not obstruct your view.”

People going out to celebrate the holidays are encouraged to download the 'Have a Plan' app which determines safe routes home. The app is free and allows people to designate a driver, call a cab, or ride share. It also makes people review the consequences of impaired driving. 

On the app people can also report an impaired driver.

Along with traveling people should also remember to stay safe while out shopping.  

“Criminals look for any opportunity to steal and take advantage of their victims. It may sound simple, but whether you are shopping at a large mall or in a quaint downtown, always be aware of your surroundings," Schroeder said. "Commonsense steps are the ones that will protect you from becoming a victim. Be sure to park your vehicle in a well-lighted, well-traveled area.  Always lock your car, make sure your windows are rolled up and secured, and leave no key fob behind. If you see something suspicious, report it to law enforcement or mall security immediately. Being alert and taking the appropriate precautions will help to keep you safe this holiday shopping season. Let’s look out for one another."

State Police urged shoppers to be vigilant and offered the following additional tips:

  • Shop with a friend or in a group
  • If shopping alone, don’t be afraid to ask security to escort you to your car
  • Store purchases in the trunk of your vehicle, under a blanket or out of view
  • Do not leave valuables in your car
  • Avoid carrying large amounts of cash and keep your money and credit cards in a front pocket

Holiday parties are a great opportunity to celebrate with loved ones. Don’t let a poor decision mar the happy memories....

Posted by New York State Department of Motor Vehicles on Tuesday, December 12, 2023

To learn more people can visit www.governor.ny.gov

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