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2 U.S. Navy Admirals from Grand Island promoted to highest levels

They're Navy buddies - who just happen to be both from Grand Island- and now happen to both be Admirals with senior positions in the US Navy.

GRAND ISLAND, N.Y. — It's a rare honor for two Grand Island natives who have risen to the highest levels in the U.S. Navy.

And just as they now wear the stars of Navy Admirals on their shoulders, they also shoulder the burden of protecting all of us with their unique missions. 

2 On Your Side introduces you to Vice Admiral William Houston and his newly promoted colleague Rear Admiral Robert Wirth who were together on Memorial Day with family and friends in Grand Island.

They're Navy buddies - who just happen to be both from Grand Island- and now happen to both be Admirals with senior positions in the US Navy. And they have commanded the powerful undersea warships and their crews of men and women which prowl the ocean depths and protect our country. 

Rear Admiral Wirth says of his friend, "Great, great mentor and role model."

And Vice Admiral Houston says of Wirth, "Bob was my deputy. Keeping me out of trouble which is a full-time job. He had my back."

Robert Wirth was formally promoted from Captain to Rear Admiral Monday with his proud wife and daughters and other family and friends watching at the River Oaks Golf Club. And his friend and fellow Grand Island High School alum Vice Admiral William Houston was at the helm for the ceremony. 

These submarine commanders crossed paths in their many tours of duty which took them to various destinations. And they are both proud of their hometown Grand Island roots. Wirth says, "The foundation, teamwork and taking care of each other. And that's what it's really about - being in the submarine force. It's taking care of all your shipmates and working together. That's what Grand Island gave me - from the Grand Island High School to the tennis team. Just a great community throughout and you gotta love the Bills and the Sabres." 

Houston also noted the significance of the day. 

"The DeGlopper Memorial here on Grand Island - Medal of Honor winner here from World War Two. he was killed in action on June 9, 1944. So they were the experiences that were brought up to us. I remember when I was in elementary school - some of the World War II veterans came and talked to the classes. And that made really a foundational difference to me about service and country."

Both senior officers credit their families, some with previous military ties, for supporting them in their careers. That includes their wives and children who have endured so many moves to a new duty posting. 

And now with threats across the horizon from Russia, China, and perhaps others, there is the realization that they have responsibility for their submarines, crews, and the nuclear missiles carried aboard their subs. Admiral Houston is again the Navy's overall Submarine Force Commander with thousands under his overall command. 

He says "The submarine force right now is carrying 70 percent of our strategic deterrent on any single day preventing war -365 - 24 hour/7 around the clock and that's what the Navy - that's what DOD and that's what we are here for - for America."    


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