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City of Buffalo addresses neglected grassy area hiding murder victim’s memorial in Masten Park

Less than 24 hours after a 2 On Your Side report, the city cut the grass blocking a memorial of Jeffery Goldsmith’s sister Dee Dee.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — Less than 24 hours after Jeffery Goldsmith came to 2 On Your Side about a neglected area in Masten Park, the city responded by answering his wishes.

A mural sits along the wall of the park with an image of Jeffery’s sister Dee Dee, who was murdered on the steps below it in October 2014. But overgrown grass in front of it blocked the view from the street. 

Goldsmith has spent years battling with the city to get the grass cut, and after 2 On Your Side’s report Wednesday night, the city cut the grass Thursday morning.

Jeffery arrived in the park Thursday with a weedwacker, planning to cut it himself, but was pleasantly surprised to see it was already taken care of.

“I just feel so good,” he said. “I am getting chills all through my body just that somebody heard us, and I know someone upstairs heard us, too, because he let the weather be perfect to get it done”

As much as he wants the mural to be visible to all, the grass was also a safety concern for Jeffery.

Dee Dee was found dead on the steps behind it. It’s believed she was calling for help but no one could see her because of the weeds and high grass. Her killer has still not been found.

“This is a $20,000 mural that we, the family, my nieces and my brothers and sister all share with this neighborhood,” he said. “I want it not to be a murder scene. I want it to be some hope. And hopefully nobody will ever get murdered in this park again. That's what my hope is.”

Goldsmith also said the city told him its staff plans to return to the area Monday to clean up the grass further. The city also has plans to schedule regular trimmings so that the mural is never hidden again.

Additionally, he’s working with the city to get Masten Ave blocked off so that he can hold a block party for the entire community to create a happy memory in a spot that was once such a dark place for him.

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