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Citizens salary review commission getting closer to making a suggestion

The commission is getting closer to making their suggestion about whether various county lawmakers should or should not get a pay raise and how much.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — The Erie County Citizens Salary Review Commission is getting closer to making their suggestion about whether various county lawmakers should or should not get a pay raise and how much.

The nine-member commission held its eighth meeting late Tuesday afternoon and while there appeared to be agreement for positions like County Executive, Sheriff, Comptroller, and Clerk getting a raise, there was no consensus about salary numbers or whether County Legislators should see a boost to their pay.

Credit: Erie County Salary Review Commission First Cut Recommendations

Commissioners have individually suggested salary amounts for each position. Chair Laurie Buonanno called it a first cut with a second cut and final cut likely to come at their next meeting on February 27 and March 12 respectively.

Those salary suggestions ranged from increases of 23% to 53% based on 2024 salary and depending on position. Chair Buonanno said as discussions continue increases between 5 and 15% are more likely.

The commission debated for some time about whether Cost of Living Adjustments might be the most reasonable suggestion. 

The last Salary Review Commission seated in 2018 followed that logic but with higher inflation and higher cost of living increases in recent years that could change in 2024.

Philosophical discussions about the role of Erie County legislators also played out and members considered what the public might think about their suggestion. Another member questioned whether comparing Erie County political salaries to other counties is even necessary: "It's not like we're in competition."

A few members said Tuesday they would be open to siding with the majority opinion, once one is reached, and budge their salary suggestions slightly up or down depending on sentiment.

The method for reaching a salary suggestion varies by commission member but broadly is broken down into nine different analyses which are meant to inform decision-making:

  1. Comparable Counties
    1. Focus on the Big Four and Big Five Counties (Albany, Erie, Monroe, Onondaga and Westchester)
    2. Pay rates in counties comparable to Erie Co.
    3. Monroe County is the most comparable NYS county to Erie Co.
  2.  The Erie County Legislature
    1. Legislators' Workload
    2. Separation of Powers in NYS charter
    3. The ability to run for Erie Co. legislator open to more residents
    4. Benefits of Erie Co. legislators
    5. The Legislature Chair as a full-time position
    6. Size of Legislature budget
  3. Earnings Considering Average Anual Economic Growth
  4. Salaries of Non-Elected County Officials
  5. Salaries of Elected Officials in the City of Buffalo
  6. Fringe Benefits
  7. Complexity of all the Officerholders' Duties
  8. Consideration of Staggering of Elections
  9. Cost of Living Adjustments (COLAs)

Different commission members put different weight on certain analyses over others in reaching their decision.

After the commission makes a suggestion the Erie County legislature will take that recommendation, hold a public hearing, and vote on it. 

All salary suggestions would not take effect until after the next election for each position.

The salary review commission meetings are open to the public however although no public comment was offered Tuesday. Those seeking to offer comments can register online.



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