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Bemus Point School District is hosting a meeting about its electric bus transition plan

The public vote for approval of the plan comes in September

BEMUS POINT, N.Y. — Students in Bemus Point may be taking a different type bus to school in the near future. 

The Bemus Point Central School District (BPCSD) is holding a community meeting Tuesday to discuss the district's electric bus transition plan. It is the second of three meetings, beginning Tuesday, August 20 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Fluvanna Free Library. The school district is fielding questions from the community ahead of a September 5 vote on the e-bus purchase.

2 On Your Side reported in 2022 on New York State’s plan to require electric school buses across the state by 2035. According to BPCSD, the state’s timeline for schools to begin purchasing e-buses begins in 2027.

But the price of electric buses is significantly more than the previous diesel school buses. In a Facebook post, BPCSD said the cost to purchase the two buses every year is about $1 million compared to diesel which is $400,000.

To help cover the costs both the Federal Government and New York State are providing rebates and incentives. BPCSD received a rebate from the EPA and NYS, totaling over $800,000, according to their Facebook post.

The September 5th vote is for community members to vote on a Bond Anticipation Note of $236,000 to allow BPCSD to borrow money for the rest of the e-bus purchase. If approved, the school district will receive $80,000 in federal tax credits and the remaining will be paid off with New York State transportation aid over 12 years, according to BPSCD’s post.

This would allow the school district to fund the e-bus purchase without additional taxes from residents, said BPCSD.

The next public hearing will be on Wednesday, August 28 at 7 p.m. at Bemus Point Elementary. The public vote to approve and get the wheels rolling on the e-bus transition plan begins on September 5 at the Maple Grove STEAM Room from 2 to 8 p.m.

More information on the district's transition plan can be found on their website or Facebook page. Community members can submit questions directly to the school district here.

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