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Hochul at White House & mixed reaction to Biden's border Executive Order; Asylum Seekers in WNY

Political overtones with immigration issues.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — President Biden on Tuesday afternoon announced his new executive order regarding asylum seekers coming into the U.S. at the Southern border.

As we know some of the individuals who sought that status previously are now here in Western New York. 

2 On Your Side got reaction to the new White House policy and asked about the role of Governor Hochul in this situation.

Since their arrival last year aboard buses in Cheektowaga and eventually Amherst we have followed the arrival of an estimated 539 asylum seekers in Erie County. 

They are now being sheltered with services under a $22.4 Million dollar contract announced in early May between Jewish Family Services and New York City. 

New York City has taken in an estimated 189,000 such individuals since 2022 with the state of New York spending at least $1 Billion dollars last year for their care and earmarking another $2.4 Billion in the current state budget. 

Governor Hochul was seen amongst Democratic Senators and other leaders at the White House as President Biden announced his executive order which will now effectively shut down asylum requests at the southern border. That is because the now imposed limit of 2,500 daily encounters between border agents and migrants requesting asylum has already been reached and exceeded. Anyone seeking such status will now have to make an appointment in advance at a specific secure border entry point 

President Biden stated "Using executive authorities available to me as President to do what I can on my own to address the border."

Of course the President reversed some border policies when he first took office in 2021 and now this move in this presidential election year as immigration has been listed as a top issue for voters in opinion polls.  

There was critical reaction from the NYS based immigration advocacy group New York Immigration Coalition which stated "President Biden's reckless executive action is a political stunt that turns our back on our humanitarian obligations and is a stain on our nation. The President continues to bend like a reed in the wind regarding our nation's commitment to refuge and safety.  This executive action will harm many families and individuals, and do nothing to advance what this country needs most—an orderly and reformed immigration system that works for all communities to secure lives with dignity, opportunity, and shared welcome".

 The ACLU has stated it will sue to block such an order such as occurred during the Trump Administration. 

And here in Buffalo The Jericho Road Health Center which runs the shelter Vive for asylum seekers and refugees responded with this statement. ""This decision by the Biden Administration is disappointing. Migrants who seek refuge in the US have the legal right to do so. Seeking asylum is also a human right, one sustained by our collective morality. To turn away the families and individuals that have had to flee their homes, embark on dangerous journeys, and who are now seeking safety at our border, is a move we denounce. We can no longer maintain this immigration system that changes with the whims of each administration and that is fundamentally broken. We continue to call for wide-sweeping, federal immigration reform-- reform that treats people with humanity and empathy. Buffalo has welcomed thousands of refugees and asylum seekers. They have made us a better city. Jericho Road Community Health Center will remain dedicated to caring for all asylum seekers who come to us seeking shelter and healthcare, as best we can." -CEO and Founder, Dr. Myron Glick.

Governor Hochul last year wanted federal funding and a waiver of the 180 day requirement for migrant work permits after describing it as a humanitarian crisis with over 180 - thousand asylum seekers coming to New York - again some eventually to Erie County - since 2022. 

 The Governor later on Tuesday this afternoon on MSNBC ripped into Republican members of Congress for not supporting a bi-partisan bill to address the Southern border.. "There are ten Republican members of Congress who represent the state of New York. You have as much clout as that Freedom Caucus. Go in to Speaker Johnson's office this afternoon. Demand that on behalf of your constituents and people all over America - change the laws. Go forth with the bi-partisan plan that was negotiated by conservative Senators."

While not specifically addressing the border legislation , 23red District Republican Congressman Nick Langworthy responded this way to the President's executive order. "....a late attempt to drown out the countless headlines of violence and crime that are a direct result of his reckless policies — it will not undo the immense damage his border crisis caused and is nothing more than an election year ploy. The American people can see through this unserious attempt to cover up his failure to protect our national security and public safety."

Again this new policy has no impact on asylum seekers already here in Western New York, New York State, or the US period. But there may be an effort to expedite asylum requests in US immigration courts including the courts one located here in Buffalo and in Batavia. 

Our goal at the border is to deliver decisions on asylum as quickly as possible. Quicker decisions mean that a migrant...

Posted by President Joe Biden on Tuesday, June 4, 2024

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