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Artist in Residency program to make free space available at historic Brisbane Building

The Buffalo Society of Artists and Hunt Real Estate are partnering for this new venture in the heart of downtown Buffalo.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — Are you an artist currently looking for space to show off your work?

The Buffalo Society of Artists and Hunt Real Estate are partnering to provide free space to five artists in one of Buffalo's most historic buildings.

The offer is part of an art in residence program at the Brisbane Building at Lafayette Square. This is being done in connection with the opening of the C. Stuart and Jane H. Hunt Gallery currently under construction.

The gallery is hoping to have a soft opening sometime in April.

This is the first time the Buffalo Society of Artists will have a brick and mortar gallery to showcase local artists and space to foster emerging artists.

To apply, you can send your artist statement and bio with an answer to the question "What do you hope to achieve in this residency?" to submissions@huntartgallery.com. Use the subject "Hunt Residences" by March 10.

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