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Albion remembers 9/11 with annual memorial service

First responders and residents hoping to never forget attended the service Wednesday night.

ALBION, N.Y. — It happened 23 years ago and 370 miles away, but the Town of Albion still remembers.

While it may have taken place on the other side of the state, Wednesday night made it seem as if it happened right in their backyard.

The town held its annual 9/11 memorial service Wednesday night — an event it has held every year for the last 23 years — to honor the lives lost and first responders who were in New York City in the aftermath.

That included Arthur Lucas and David Bruno, who were at Albion’s memorial service Wednesday night. The two men said Sept. 11, 2001, started as a normal work day.

“Once we heard about the towers getting struck, we got a call from our administrative officer around 10 or 11 o'clock that morning,” Bruno said. “We got activated, and we had to deploy to New York City.”

Responding from over 370 miles away, the two arrived in New York to help go through the remains of the nearly 3,000 people who died that day.

“To get the call from the federal government to go to 9/11 and to help fulfill the needs of the greatest city in the world, it was an honor. It really was,” Lucas said. 

The honor and sacrifice that first responders made that day is one Emily Carmichael, a mother of three, said she wants her kids to understand. That’s why she brought them to Wednesday night’s ceremony to ensure that even though they weren’t alive, they’ll never forget. 

“If you don't know your history, you're doomed to repeat it,” she said. “I want them to understand that freedom isn't free. We want them to know what our country is about and to do their part to serve in their community.”

The tragedy that occurred on Sept. 11, 2001, may have happened 23 years ago and 370 miles away from Albion.

But that’s why the town feels it’s so important to not only make sure that they remember, but that the next generation never forgets. 

“Anybody who forgets is not a good American,” said Jim Freas, an honor guard coordinator.

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