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'A problem we can solve:' More affordable housing is coming to Buffalo

$40 million in the state budget was established in New York’s Vacant Rental Improvement Program to create more affordable rental properties for low-income families

NEW YORK — More high-quality, affordable housing is coming to Buffalo.

State Senator Sean Ryan announced the first step of ‘The City of Good Neighborhoods’ plan to build safe and affordable rental units statewide. $40 million in the state budget was established in New York’s Vacant Rental Improvement Program to create more affordable rental properties for low-income families, notes the Senator’s Office.

“Meaningfully addressing the shortage of safe and affordable housing in Buffalo and throughout the state is going to require a wide variety of interventions,” said Senator Sean Ryan. “But make no mistake – this is a problem we can solve if we remain focused and open to creative new ideas to address the issue.”

The program is aimed at helping small landlords with grants to restore dormant units. The funds will be managed by not-for-profit organizations. Applications for the program are now open and will close on October 3.

Organizations must be incorporated with the New York State Not-For-Profit Corporation Law, have over a year of providing services to the community, and present plans to identify and deliver on properties that would benefit from the program.

On July 31, the New York State Office of Homes and Community Renewal will host a webinar that will outline the program and application process. Applications for property owners will be announced later, states the Senator’s Office.


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