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3 women file lawsuit against Lily Dale

The small quirky community based on spiritualism beliefs might not have predicted that members would now being suing them.

LILY DALE, N.Y. — Three women are suing Lily Dale claiming they have been denied access register as practicing mediums despite passing their tests according to the membership guide. 

In a recent article written by the New York Times, the trio, who were dues-paying members of the community, had applied to become registered mediums on the campus in 2022.  But, according to the association, they did not pass the testing portion. 

The woman claim Lily Dale's written 'membership guide' states that an “82% on the combined evaluations is needed to pass.” 

The three woman stated in the suit that they all had scored above the 82% threshold, but say Lily Dale stated that the grade is not 82% to pass, but rather 85%. 

Only those who test and pass can practice spiritualism on the campus. People can live on the campus without being a certified medium.

In the lawsuit, the woman state they have suffered monetary damages from not being able to practice their craft at Lily Dale. 

According to their website, the Lily Dale Assembly is a spiritual camp located in Chautauqua County.  It is comprised of a group of individuals who practice the faith of spiritualism.  

They say more than 22,000 visitors come each year for classes, workshops, lectures, public church services and mediumship demonstrations.

You can read the lawsuit here: 

To learn more about Lily Dale visit www.lilydaleassembly.org

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