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Largest rubber duck in the world nesting at Canalside

 After delivery on Thursday afternoon, the world's largest rubber duck was inflated overnight in the Buffalo River near Canalside.

BUFFALO, NY - After delivery on Thursday afternoon, the world's largest rubber duck was inflated overnight in the Buffalo River near Canalside.

"Mama Duck" as she's known, will be on display until Sunday, August 28th for the Canalside Maritime Festival, as well as her duckling Timmy.

"She's a spectacle everywhere she goes," said Ryan Whaley, owner of the duck.

When inflated, the duck towers 61 feet above the water and weighs 11 tons. Around 4:30 a.m. the duck was inflated and the process took about two hours.

"Mama Duck," along with her smaller duckling Timmy, are transported from festival to festival by tractor trailer. The platform she sits on prevents her from flying away during the threat of high winds or storms - so the likely hood of "Mama Duck" flying away is low.

"I think people just want to see it," said Whaley, "and when they see it, they're just amazed at how big it is."

The duck will be nesting at the foot of Kelly Island near Canalside until Sunday and be sure to share your photo's with her using the tag #BeOn2.

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