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It's true: New Yorkers don’t sleep enough, drink lots of coffee

Just 24 percent of New Yorkers said they get on average eight or more hours of sleep -- and nearly twice as many said they have to get that cup of coffee to start every day.

ALBANY - If you feel sluggish in the morning and stumble over to the coffee machine each morning, you're not alone.

Just 24 percent of New Yorkers said they get on average eight or more hours of sleep -- and nearly twice as many said they have to get that cup of coffee to start every day.

Those were some of the results of a lifestyle poll of New Yorkers released Wednesday by Siena College Research Institute, based in the Albany area.

Forty-eight percent of New Yorkers polled said they sleep no more than six hours a night.

"Older New Yorkers are more likely to get eight hours of beauty rest than younger residents," said the poll's director, Don Levy.

“And we’re drinking a lot of coffee."

He added, "Over six in 10 start their day with a cup at least some days -- with over 40 percent having a cup every day. And of coffee drinkers, 60 percent have more than one cup a day.”

Who drinks the most coffee?

Turns out upstate New Yorkers and those living in the New York City suburbs like their morning coffee the most, the poll found.

Fifty one percent of those in the suburbs and 50 percent upstate said they drink coffee every day.

In the city, it was only 32 percent -- with 43 percent saying they don't get a cup of joe at all.

And coffee isn't the only early morning fix, the poll found.

What do you do first when you wake up?

Fifty-eight percent said check their email, text messages or social media accounts within the first hour of waking up.

Twenty-two percent do it immediately when they open their eyes, the poll found.

“New Yorkers have fully integrated technology into their daily habits," Levy said.

"A quarter of us check email, texts or social media immediately after waking up and an additional third within an hour of opening our eyes.”

What are your other habits?

The poll asked about a series of other habits:


  • 70 percent laugh out loud at least once a day.


  • 62 percent think about money on a daily basis.


  • 60 percent do something nice for another person each day.


  • 51 percent percent floss every day, though 15 percent never floss.


  • 50 percent take vitamins daily; 32 percent never do.
  • Daily, only 14 percent of New Yorkers weigh themselves.
  • 29 percent exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.

The Siena College Poll was conducted March 1-29 to 802 New York adults via telephone. It had a margin of error of 4.4 percent.

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