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Is it smart law enforcement or Big Brother?

The Erie County Sheriff wants to buy x-ray technology typically used by the military to scan vehicles.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — The Erie County sheriff’s office wants to buy x-ray equipment for scanning vehicles that’s typically used for military purposes and has raised privacy concerns in the civilian world. 

The requested “whole vehicle scanning system” would be used to “enhance the agency’s details at all mass gatherings and critical infrastructure,” according to the department’s grant application filed with the state Division of Criminal Justice Services.

It’s a groundbreaking ask.

“We’re not aware of any other agencies applying for x-ray systems capable of scanning entire vehicles,” said Kirstan Conley, spokeswoman for the Division of Criminal Justice Services, which administers requests from police agencies seeking state Law Enforcement Technology grants. 

You can read the full story on Investigative Post's website


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