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Buffalo City Hall clerk paid not to work

Jill Repman, formerly known as Jill Parisi, has been paid over a half million dollars since being accused of tampering with the fire department payroll in 2016.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — In February 2016, the City of Buffalo accused a clerk in the fire department of tampering with the payroll in order to pad her checks. Since then the former Jill Parisi — now appearing on city payroll records under her maiden name, Jill Repman — has collected well over a half million dollars while on paid administrative leave, awaiting a resolution to the disciplinary charges against her.

For six of those seven-and-a-half years, she has held a second job in the private sector, managing payroll for a local healthcare company. According to the city’s law department, there was never any arbitration hearing to address the disciplinary charges the city brought against Repman. 

Instead, according to payroll records, the city simply kept paying her. She was recently ordered back to work, according to Fillmore District Council Member Mitch Nowakowski, who chairs the Council’s Civil Service Committee. Repman, 56, returned to her job shortly after Investigative Post began making inquiries about her employment status. Nowakowski called the handling of Repman’s situation “maddening.” 

You can read the full story here

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