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News 2 You: Opening of Metro Rail, Flying Tigers Restaurant, and VHS or Beta?

Those stories and more made news this week in decades past.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — Ten years ago this week:

Terry and Kim Pegula formally took ownership of the Buffalo Bills after having purchased the team from the estate of late owner Ralph Wilson for what was then a record paid for an NFL: franchise of $1.4 Billion.

That same week the One Buffalo campaign was launched as a means to draw synergy between the city's two major sports teams, the Bills and the Sabres which the Pegulas also owned, and as a means to get fans excited for the future.

After decades of talk and dreams, ground was finally broken to redevelop the former Buffalo State Asylum for the Insane into what is now known as the Richardson complex, thanks largely to an infusion of money from the state of New York. Today the building contains a hotel with other developments on the works.

Credit: WGRZ TV
Imaging campaign was launched in 2014 coinciding with purchase of Buffalo Bills by the Pegula family

20 years ago this week:

Disappointed diners were surprised to find the doors suddenly closed at the once popular Flying Tigers restaurant near the Buffalo airport.

There had been talk in ensuing years of re-opening the World War II themed eatery which offered customers views of planes coming and going from its location near an airport runway but 20 years later the place remains empty.

Credit: WGRZ TV
Disappointed diners leave the once popular Flying Tigers restaurant near the Buffalo airport after it closed in October 2004

Buffalo mayor Anthony Masiello appeared as a guest on the NBC Today Show. The reason for the mayor's appearance is the subject of this week's News 2 You Pop Quiz. (For the answer watch the conclusion of the video attached to this story.)

Marth Stewart reported to a federal prison for women in Alderson, West Virginia to begin her sentenced for conspiracy, obstruction, and lying to investigators as part of a securities fraud case.

 Christopher Reeve, paralyzed in an equestrian accident in 1995, and who became an advocate for stem cell research to assist the disabled, died from complications after surviving for 9 years as a quadriplegic at the age of 52.

Congressman Jack Quinn's decision not to run for another term created a hotly contested race for the House of Representees in Western New York between Nancy Naples (R) and Brian Higgins (D) which would eventually see Higgins win his first race for congress that November. Higgins would go on to serve nearly 20 years before resigning in 2024 and becoming the head of Sheas Buffalo theater.

Credit: WGRZ-TV
Former first lady came to Buffalo to stump for Brian Higgins in his initial run for congress in 2014

30 years ago this week:

The Buffalo Sabres were getting to ready to start another season but couldn't. Nor could any other team amid the first ever NHL lockout.
Without a collective bargaining agreement in place team owners refused to play out the season. The lockout, something unheard of at the time, would go on for more than 3 months with 468 games lost, including the all star game, before NHL play finally resumed in early 1995.

Credit: WGRZ-TV
NHL owners locked out players in a labor dispute to scuttle the start of the season in October 1994

40 years ago this week:

NFTA Metro Rail began service in downtown Buffalo, with the above ground portion of the city's light rail system on Main Street welcoming its first passengers. The underground portion of the system, connecting downtown to the University at Buffalo South Campus, wouldn't open for several more months.

Video cassette recorders were among the hottest items on store shelves, with fear there wouldn't be enough of them to accommodate customers in the coming holiday shopping season.

At the time, industry experts were predicting some 3 million shoppers would purchase a VCR between October and December and customers still could choose from the Beta or VHS format.

Diana a Ross held a concert at Buffalo Memorial Auditorium,

Collins was still the site of the World Pumpkin weigh off .

The price of a pack of Cigarettes was $1.05 per pack and gas was $1.10 per gallon.

Credit: WGRZ-TV
Diana Ross in concert at buffalo Memorial Auditorium in October, 1984
Credit: WGRZ-TV
The World Pumpkin Weigh Off was once held in Collins, NY

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