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Roswell Park celebrates expansion of head, neck, and dental outpatient center

The 12,600 square-foot space on the third floor of the cancer center reopened.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — On Tuesday, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center celebrated the reopening of one of its cancer treatment centers following an expansion. 

The Head & Neck Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Speech Pathology & Dental Center opened in a 12,600 square-foot space on the third floor of the main hospital. 

The center will help serve patients with cancers of the head a neck, which Roswell Park officials say can be challenging because of the organs involved that are used for everyday life. Affected organs that can be treated at the center include the thyroid, oral cavity, throat, larynx, nose, sinus cavities and pituitary gland.

“Roswell Park was the first center to combine head-and-neck and general plastic surgery specialties into a seamless service,” said Wesley Hicks Jr., MD, FACS, Chair of Head & Neck/Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery in a press release. 

“With our state-of-the-art clinical center now completed and our program fully integrated to provide coordinated oncology, surgery, plastic and reconstructive, maxillofacial, dental and speech pathology services, we have a program that is uniquely equipped to support exceptional care and quality of life for cancer patients.”

Some additional improvements to the center include "pods" that can be used for treatment and supportive care, as well as a program bringing in University of Pennsylvania plastic surgery residents for specialized training. 

“We simply would not have been able to create the center we envisioned without the incredible generosity of Ann and Bob Brady and of Bernie Weisbond,” said Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center President, CEO and M&T Bank Presidential Chair in Leadership Candace S. Johnson, PhD. 

“They were inspired to support us in creating a welcoming, state-of-the-art clinical center that will support outstanding, integrated care for patients not just with head or neck cancers but for all those who can benefit from plastic and reconstructive surgery or dental care. So many of our patients will benefit from this beautiful new space.”

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