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New program pushes to recruit more physicians

A new program to increase access to affordable and high-quality physicians is just what the doctor ordered.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — The Association of American Medical Colleges says only 5% of active physicians nationally identify as Black. New York State and the Associated Medical Schools of New York know it's an issue. 

A press conference was held at the Jacobs School of Medicine at the University at Buffalo to announce a $4.64 million investment to diversify. A solution that helps target middle and high schoolers. 

"Giving them exposure to access to science and scientists. They can envision a career in medicine or research," says president and CEO of the Associated Medical Schools of New York, Jonathan Teyan. 

Teyan says investing more in school's STEM programs or seeing someone with the same skin color can go a long way. 

"It's very easy to get derailed off that route unless you got some support," Teyan says. 

Fortunately for Sydney Pigott, he had that support. 

"That shows you, one, you can do anything you want if you put your mind to it. There are no barriers for you. You can be successful because when you look up to that role model, you see he is successful, that means you can be successful as well," Pigott says. 

As young as the 6th grade, he knew medicine was his calling. Now in his third year of medical school, he's almost at the finish line to become an Anesthesiologist. 

"If it's worth it, you're going to have to work hard for it regardless. Otherwise, everybody could do it. As far as the hard work, yes- it's hard work. Yes- it's a lot of long hours. Yes- it's a lot of preparation. But it's worth it in the end because when you take it one day at a time you'll be able to achieve that goal, and you can't let a little hard work or deterrence affect you," Pigott says. 

You can learn more about the program here.

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