WEST SENECA, N.Y. — Kids Escaping Drugs honored its posthumous co-founder Dick Gallagher by dedicating The Dick Gallagher Sports Park on its West Seneca campus on Thursday.
Gallagher, who covered high school sports for Channel 2, died in 2020 after a battle with cancer. After a life dedicated to helping people fight addiction, Kids Escaping Drugs says this is the perfect tribute to his legacy.
"When I came here and looked at the brochure, and it said 'passionate, humble,' I stopped right there," Dick's brother, Michael Gallagher, said. "I think that was his best characteristic as a dad, as a person, a member of this community, a leader of this community.
"I wasn't about him. It was about us. It was about us as a group, it was about helping people that are going through drug treatment that need help, families that need help, and that was the message."
His brother also was there to contribute a jacket with Dick's beloved Boston Red Sox to the ceremony.