BUFFALO, N.Y. — Testing to see if you or anyone else in your family has the coronvirus can now be done in the privacy of your own home.
Tops Markets says it is now offering an Over the Counter (OTC) COVID-19 At-Home Testing Kit. The test is authorized under an FDA Emergency Use Authorization and involved collecting an anterior nasal swab sample. It can be done on anyone two years old and older; with adults needing to perform the test for those ages two to fourteen years of age. The kit includes two tests and everything needed is included in the package.
How it works:
The swab containing the nasal sample is swirled in a tube of reagent solution, then removed, before a test strip is inserted. After just ten minutes, you can remove the test strip out from the tube and see your results. Wait at least 24 hours, but no more than 36 hours, to use the second test. Positive results may require further follow up with your physician.
In a clinical study, the QuickVue At-Home OTC COVID-19 Test identified positive cases 83.5% of the time and negative cases 99.2% of the time when compared to a PCR test, where results take on average of four to five days to get.