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Niagara Falls, Niagara County to enforce limits on social gatherings

Niagara Falls is in the WNY region, which is phase four of reopening. Phase four allows for social gatherings of 50 people or less.

NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. — The mayor of Niagara Falls says the city will enforce New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's Executive Order limiting the number of people at social gatherings. 

Niagara Falls is in the WNY region, which is now in phase four of reopening. Phase four allows for social gatherings of 50 people or less.

“As we enter the holiday weekend it is important to remember that gatherings exceeding the requirements of executive order 202.45 are subject to enforcement of the order and penalties as provided for by law. The City of Niagara Falls in conjunction with the Niagara County District Attorney’s Office and the Niagara County Sheriff’s Office are committed to ensuring safe celebrations and gatherings for this holiday weekend and for as long as this health crisis continues”, Robert M. Restaino, Niagara Falls Mayor in a released statement.

Niagara Falls is working with the Niagara County District Attorney's office and Sheriff's Office to enforce and prosecute violators.

“These restrictions are in place for the safety of our entire community.  While most people may contract Covid-19 and recover in due course, there exposure could spread and infect others who will suffer far worse consequences.  As the agencies tasked with ensuring public safety, we will work together to enforce the directives from our State.  Many people have suffered disappointment over the last few months from losing loved ones, to missed proms, weddings and graduations.  We must continue to sacrifice to the extent advised by health officials so we can safely move forward as a community.” says Caroline A. Wojtaszek, Niagara County District Attorney.

“We have seen a surge of the pandemic in Southern states due to a lack of following protocols.  It is imperative we adhere to large gathering guidelines to keep all of our residents safe.” - Michael J. Filicetti, Niagara County Sheriff.

Several states across the county have seen a significant rise in COVID-19 cases.  New York State continues on the downward trend and health officials encourage people to wear face masks when they can't socially distance. 

RELATED: More Niagara Falls tourist attractions opening, with changes

RELATED: Latest update of COVID-19 cases in Niagara County

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