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Erie County Social Services Department reminds residents of remote service options

Officials says that in-person visits to county social service offices are now only necessary in very limited circumstances.
Social Services Department

BUFFALO, N.Y. — The Erie County Department of Social Services wants to remind residents that help can be offered remotely while reducing the risk of COVID-19.

In a new campaign, “We can help you from home," the department will use social media to educate residents about the different ways in which Erie County residents can access social services from the safety of their homes.

“The programs and services provided by our Department are vital to the residents of Erie County,” said Social Services Commissioner Marie Cannon in a release. “It is essential for us to inform the public about the many ways they can access our services without having to travel to our offices during this pandemic.”

Officials says that in-person visits to county social service offices are now only necessary in very limited circumstances, such as homelessness and immediate lack of food.

The county also wants to provide residents with additional resources and information to social services provided by the county and state: 

  • HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program): Apply online at www.mybenefits.ny.gov , download an application at www.erie.gov/heap , request an application by calling 716-858-7644, or request an application by emailing heaphotline@erie.gov .
  • Temporary (Cash) Assistance: Apply online at www.mybenefits.ny.gov , download an application at www.erie.gov/temporaryassistance , request an application online at www.erie.gov/temporaryassistance , or call 716-858-8000 to request an application.
  • Emergency Services: Visit www.erie.gov/emergencyTA to learn about the types of assistance available. Eligibility interviews are conducted by telephone the same day applications are received.
  • SNAP (Food Stamps): Apply online at www.mybenefits.ny.gov , download an application at www.erie.gov/snap , or request an application by calling 716-858-7239.
  • Day Care Assistance: Applications for day care assistance are available online at https://www2.erie.gov/socialservices/index.php?q=daycare , or by calling 716-858-8953.
  • Mobile Document Upload: ECDSS accepts documentation from clients via the NYDocSubmit app. NYDocSubmit is available in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. The app allows users to photograph a document and upload it to the Department along with identifying case information. Documentation can be accepted on Temporary (Cash) Assistance, SNAP, Medicaid, and HEAP cases. While applications must be submitted through the usual channels, documents such as landlord statements, proof of identity, and proof of income may be submitted through NYDocSubmit.
  • Adult Protective Services: Any concerned person, family member, friend, neighbor, law enforcement officer, health professional, clergy or financial institution employee who observes an individual having difficulty in providing for their most basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, medical care, or personal safety are urged to call Adult Services at [716] 858-6877 to inquire about making a referral.
  • Child Welfare Services: Concerns about the safety of any child in our community may be reported to the Statewide Central Registry of Child Abuse and Neglect at 1-800-342-3720. If an individual believes that a child is at imminent risk of harm, the call should be directed to 911.
Erie County has been working with local child care organizations, providers, school districts and community organizations to create Virtual Learning Support Centers (VLSCs). These are supervised programs that children can attend on the days they are designated to complete their school work remotely.


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