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New York State COVID numbers continue to drop to new record lows

The number of new positive COVID cases across New York State has dropped below 1,000 for the 10th consecutive day, according to Gov. Cuomo's office.

NEW YORK — The COVID-19 positivity rate continues to decline in New York State.

According to Gov. Andrew Cuomo, New York State reached a new record low statewide COVID-19 positivity rate on Saturday. The statewide seven-day average percent positive rate dropped to 0.52 percent, marking 62 consecutive days of decline.

In addition, the number of new positive COVID cases statewide has dropped below 1,000 for the 10th consecutive day. On Saturday, 117,999 tests were reported to the state, with 549 coming back positive for a percent positive rate of 0.47 percent.

In terms of hospitalizations, 816 people were in New York hospitals on Saturday with COVID-19. This is the lowest this number has been since October 8.

Of those hospitalized, 208 patients were in the ICU, 112 of which require intubation.

"With warm weather coming in throughout the state, it is extraordinary to see New Yorkers making sure COVID numbers drop to these new record lows," Governor Cuomo said. 

"Whether you're meeting with friends you haven't seen face to face for more than a year, going to watch your favorite team play, or heading inside to escape the heat in a cool theatre, getting your vaccine will help ensure you can make the most of your summer and make up for lost time with loved ones. The vaccine is our best tool in the fight against COVID. If you haven't already, I encourage you to get yours as soon as possible."

New York State administered 72,178 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine over the past 24 hours. At this time, 19,479,983 total vaccine doses have been administered in New York State.

According to the CDC, 68.6 percent of New Yorkers ages 18 years old and older have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, while 59.3 percent have completed their vaccine series.


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