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Eric Schneiderman: His public persona and the chilling allegations against him

Schneiderman, 63, who was first elected in 2010, denied the allegations, but said he would step down at the close of business Tuesday.

ALBANY -- In a tweet just four days ago, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman boasted of getting a job out of high school working at an abortion clinic.

"I learned an important lesson at a young age," the tweet said.

"If a woman does not have the right to control her own body, she is not truly equal. She is not truly free."

The comment was indicative of the public record Schneiderman sought to maintain: a champion for women's rights.

But his public comments over the years are now taking a chilling turn after he announced Monday he would resign just hours after allegations from four women that he physically and emotionally abused them led him to resign his office.

Schneiderman, 63, who was first elected in 2010, denied the allegations, but said he would step down at the close of business Tuesday.

Now the state Legislature will appoint his successor until the November elections.

Schneiderman has led crusades against President Trump; was investigating allegations against Harvey Weinsten and railed against prescription-drug abuse.

The bombshell report by The New Yorker detailed stunning stories of Schneiderman's abuse that was in complete opposite of his public image as a liberal Democrat, shocking those who had supported him.

“We are appalled and horrified to learn about the violent behavior ascribed to Eric Schneiderman," Andrea Miller, president of the National Institute for Reproductive Health, said.

"This is especially disappointing given his long history of advocacy and action in support of women’s rights."

Here's a look at Schneiderman's public record and the allegations against him:

More: N.Y. AG Eric Schneiderman, #MeToo champion accused of violence, resigns

More: AG Eric Schneiderman resigned. Now what happens?

Women's rights

Schneiderman has long prided himself on being a champion for women's rights.

On May 1, in fact, the National Institute for Reproductive Health honored him as one of three “Champions of Choice,” as The New Yorker pointed out.

Last year, Schneiderman helped lead a coalition of 16 states challenging an Alabama law that requires doctors to perform potentially unsafe abortions.

In 2014, he put out a state on the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Violence Against Women Act:

"Protecting all Americans from harm, regardless of their relationship to their abuser or their gender, is and will remain one of the most important aspects of our ongoing pursuit of equal justice under law.”

When he was a state senator from Manhattan, Schneiderman led an effort in 2010 to expel Queens Sen. Hiram Monserrate after being convicted of a misdemeanor for slashing a girlfriend.


The four women in The New Yorker article accused Schneiderman of multiple instances of physical violence, including choking and hard slaps to the face, and threats if they tried to go public with what happened.

One of the women, Michelle Manning Barish, said he once told her: “I am the law.”


One of Schneiderman's first major accomplishments in 2011 was getting the state Legislature to pass the I-STOP law.

The law aims to limit prescription-drug abuse by requiring a computer system to track doctors and prescriptions, cracking on doctor shopping for drugs and fraudulent prescriptions.

“New York’s historic I-STOP law has transformed the way our state is fighting the scourge of opiate addiction," Schneiderman said in 2016.

The law has been effective, but also has been blamed for pushing addicts more toward illegal opioids.

Nonetheless, women in The New Yorker story alleged that Schneiderman was an alcoholic and addicted to prescription drugs.

Allegation: Manning Barish recalled Schneiderman “would almost always drink two bottles of wine in a night, then bring a bottle of Scotch into the bedroom. He would get absolutely plastered five nights out of seven.”

She alleged he took prescription tranquilizers and would ask her to refill a prescription that she had for Xanax.

Harvey Weinstein

In February, Schneiderman filed a lawsuit against Weinstein and his company in an attempt to halt the sale of the company after sexual-assault allegations against Weinstein became public.

Schneiderman accused the disgraced filmmaker of violating the state's human- and civil-rights laws by repeatedly sexually harassing his employees and forcing a group of female workers to "facilitate (his) sexual conquests."

Then in March, Gov. Andrew Cuomo tasked Schneiderman to investigate Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance's handling of an investigation into a sexual-abuse allegation Weinstein.

The case is ongoing, but now faces uncertainty with Schneiderman's resignation.

"Every New Yorker has a right to a workplace free of sexual harassment, intimidation, and fear,” Schneiderman said at the time.

Allegation: Now, with the complaints against Schneiderman, Cuomo has vowed to appoint his own investigator to look into potential criminal charges against Schneiderman.

Cuomo said Tuesday that typically it would be Vance who would handle the case because the allegations were in Manhattan.

But that probably can't happen because Schneiderman's office was already looking into Vance in the Weinstein case, Cuomo said.

"No one is above the law, including New York's top legal officer," Cuomo said Monday night.

"I will be asking an appropriate New York District Attorney to commence an immediate investigation, and proceed as the facts merit."

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