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New questions arise after University at Buffalo announces new policies on free speech, assembly on campus

The University at Buffalo is implementing new policies concerning assembly and camping on campus.

AMHERST, N.Y. — The University at Buffalo released new details on Thursday regarding the campus plan for its time, place, and manner policies related to free speech and assembly.

As the new school year approaches, the updated and clarified policies will serve as the current time, place, and manner guidance although it is still in the 30-day comment period.

The updated guidelines come just months after a protest led by the University at Buffalo Students for Justice in Palestine and others broke out on the North Campus.

"I think this appears to be a concerted effort, and I appreciate that. I just, I'm not clear on to what extent this is better or clearer in some regards," Sara Metcalf said. 

Metcalf is a member of the UB Faculty Senate and professor in the Department of Geography. In May, the Faculty Senate passed a resolution denouncing 'police escalation' at a pro-Palestinian protest.

"I find the disallowing sidewalk chalk to be counter to the spirit of freedom of speech and expression, and also just raising questions about how they will enforce these things, and you know what consequences will be," Metcalf said.

UB says draft policies are subject to additional revisions that may be proposed after the comment and review period.

The full statement from UBNow can be read below:

At UB, freedom of speech and expression are central tenets of the university.

As a public institution dedicated to upholding the First Amendment, UB recognizes the fundamental right to express differing viewpoints and respects the right to peacefully assemble and protest. The university is also committed to ensuring a safe, welcoming, orderly and inclusive environment for all students, faculty, staff and visitors.

To that end, in preparation for the start of the fall semester, UB, through guidance from the SUNY Office of General Counsel, has drafted clarifying time, place and manner operational language for UB’s assembling and camping policies, and has drafted a new posting policy.

For example, the clarifying draft assembly policy emphasizes that assembling must not violate the provisions of the Rules for the Maintenance of Public Order of the SUNY Board of Trustees. Additionally, the university has clarified its camping policy reiterating UB’s commitment to maintaining a safe and healthy campus environment and explicitly prohibiting encampments or camping of any form. UB has also proposed new rules for posting flyers on campus.

Draft policies currently under review:

Pursuant to the longstanding UB process, the university has initiated the 30-day comment and review period for new and revised campus polices. The draft policies have been shared for formal review with the university’s policy review group, including representatives from the Student Association, Graduate Student Association and Faculty Senate. The UB community is invited to share feedback with the policy review group during the 30-day comment period.

In the interim, these updated and clarified policies — while still in the 30-day comment period — will serve as time, place and manner guidance. The draft policies are subject to additional revisions that may be proposed at the conclusion of the comment and review period.

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