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St. Brian Clothiers hosts its first Dress the Teachers giveaway

With the new year school year almost here, the shop gave away free suits, belts, shoes, etc.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — Before a new school year begins, nonprofit St. Brian Clothiers is making sure teachers are dressed for success. 

And they're doing it at no cost. 

"We really just want to support them in anyway that we can," said Dewitt Lee III is the founder of St. Brian Clothiers.

This is not the first time he's gotten suits to people who need them. 

Lee also collected suits and gave them out for free to those attending funerals after the 5/14 tragedy.

It's his mission to make sure those needing a suit don't have to pay those the expensive prices.

"To dress like this, $300, $400, $500 to $600," Lee said. "That's expensive, and we know these teachers go in their own pockets to provide certain resources for kids in their class. So we feel like if we can alleviate this burden of what they wear, maybe they'll be able to provide more resources for the kids in their classrooms."

Added Cheyon Cross, an English teacher at Cheektowaga Central School: "I think it's awesome. It's good for us to have the part because there's lesson planning but it's also good to look the part. We need to be prepared and ready so this is really dope."

Lee added: "We hope they walk out with more than one suit. We want them to have as many garments possible, and we also want to build a relationship with them. We want to stay in lockstep with them throughout the course of the year so that you don't have to carry that burden of dressing the part because as a teacher, you want to dress the part. ... It commands authority, and it reminds you of who you are."

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